Useful Data for Proposals

F&A Rates

F&A Rates
On Campus All Programs 57.90%
7/1/22 until 06/30/26 Predetermined
7/1/26 until Amended Provisional

Off Campus All Programs 22.20%
7/1/22 until 06/30/26 Predetermined
7/1/26 until Amended Provisional

Clinical Trial Research 25%

Cognizant Agency: DHHS, Division of Cost Allocation; Arif Karim, Director Central States Field Office: 214-767-3261

Fringe Benefits (Rates Subject to Change)

Faculty and Research Staff

Rates Effective 07/01/2021 27.5%

Part Time Faculty and Research Staff

Rates Effective 07/01/2021 8.2%

Basic Science Graduate Students

Rates Effective 07/01/2021 13.7%

Psychology Students

Rate Effective 07/01/2021 13.7%

69É«ÇéƬMS Information

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or Entity Identification Number (EIN): 1362181973A1

State of Illinois Congressional district: IL-010

State of Illinois Senate district: 30

State of Illinois Representative district: 60

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 36-2181973

DUNS #: 069501252

Unique Entity Iden (UEI): V913TCT2SFZ9

CAGE code: 4B569

NIH Animal Welfare Assurance Number (OLAW): A3279-01, expires 2/29/2028
AAALAC Accreditation (unit #640) - 11/29/23 approval for 3 years

Federalwide Assurance (FWA) Identification Number FWA00005002 (expires 1/29/2030)
(replaces the General Assurance Number for Human Subjects)

Registration of the IRB with the US Dept. of Health & Human Services (OHRP/FDA)
#±õ¸éµþ00000293​&²Ô²ú²õ±è;(IORG0000179) approved for use thru 1/28/2028

USDA Registration 33-R-0027.
Inspection Date:  06/13/2024.

Authorized Institutional Signing Official

Dr. Joseph DiMario, PhD, Interim Vice President for Research and/or Dora Espinosa, Associate Vice President for Research Administration

Procedures for Proposal's Submission

In order to insure adequate time for review, for notification of any corrections that need to be made, and institutional endorsement, original and (1) one copy of the entire proposal application (research plan can be in draft form) and the corresponding "Information and Routing Sheet For Grant and Contract Proposals" must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Research at least (7) seven business days prior to a sponsor’s designated deadline. In addition if the application is an electronic submission, the proposal electronic package has to be completed at least (2) two business days prior to sponsor's designated deadline. The PI is responsible to obtain All signatures (including their Dean’s signature) prior to submitting the grant application to the Office of Sponsored Research.