The MQL is equipped with an Applied Biosystems (ViiA7) quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) machine. This instrument is available for accurate and sensitive high-throughput measurements of gene expression. This instrument is also equipped with Protein Thermal Shift technology for analysis of protein stability and binding interactions. This new technology can be used for high-throughput screening of proteins to identify ligands, mutations/modifications, or buffer conditions to increase melting temperature and the relative stability of proteins. This application can also screen antibody–ligand binding as part of antibody development, or be used to assess protein preps for contaminants or aggregated protein.
Greetings Molecular Quantification Laboratory (MQL) users (i.e. qRT-PCR people)
The Applied Biosystems (ViiA7) is currently in room 2.276 (BSB) but will moves to room 344 (IRP) in January of 2020. I will give one key to each participating laboratory. The use of USB drives will not be allowed on the instrument or on the computer that runs the instrument. You only need to give the program your e-mail address and the data will be sent to you upon completion. This will require you to load the analysis software on a designated computer for your laboratory. A license free version of the software is available. Use this to get the "QuantStudio™ Software V1.1—for QuantStudio™ 6 and 7 Flex and ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR Systems" software. Mac users will have to find a way to run the PC software for the ViiA7. Alternatively, an Excel file can be generated on the MQL computer and you can e-mail it to yourself.
Whenever you want to start, just contact me and set up a time for training. We have an online signup calendar to manage usage and a paper sign in/out sheet in the room. There will be no charges for using the MQL at this time but that may change in following years.
Some important points are:
The use of the MQL is a privilege and repeat offenders may have their access revoked.
Bob Marr