How to Make an Appointment

Emailing, using your 69É«ÇéƬMS email, to is the preferred method of contact. You can use  for added security when emailing. You can also call us on our confidential voicemail at 847-578-8723; please always leave a message.

Please inform SCS clinicians of the following information when emailing or calling:

  1. First and last name (please spell)
  2. Geographic location of current residence (address, state, zip code)
  3. Two best means to connect with you (i.e. phone number/s, 69É«ÇéƬMS email address)
  4. Indicate if you need a Phone Intake Appointment (to request on-going therapy appointments with an assigned clinician) or a Solutions Appointment (one-time appointment)

After providing this information to SCS, you will be contacted with scheduling instructions to initiate desired service.

We offer in-person and tele-psychotherapy appointments. In-person appointments are available at the Student Counseling Service location. You will be required to follow current guidelines related to screening and/or mask-wearing. Tele-psychotherapy appointments are offered using Zoom, a HIPPA compliant platform, and will be aligned with the laws pertaining to clinical practice in the State of IL. Prior to your first tele-psychotherapy appointment, you will receive information pertaining to your appointment and your clinician’s Zoom link. Virtual platforms require a browser on a computer or device with a camera and microphone.

Student Counseling Service (SCS) offers limited flexible scheduling tele-psychotherapy to accommodate student schedules.