Master's Entry into Nursing Practice

Tuition and Fees Yr 1 Yr 2
Tuition $38,588$38,588
Executive Student Council Fee $80-
Student Service and Technology Fee $700$700
Student Health & Wellness Fee $325$325
Graduation Fee -$200
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment Fee $1,000$1,000
Drug Screen Fee $38$38
Clinical Experience Tracking Fee $150$150
Diagnostic Equipment Fee $245-
Simulation Fee $400$250
Board Prep Fee $350-
White Coat Fee $40-
Annual Tuition and Fees $41,916$41,251

NOTE: Tuition and Fees are updated annually in April and reflect board-approved rates for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Any change in tuition or fees during the academic year will be communicated to students in the program.

First year NEP students will have their admission deposit applied to their first term bill.

NEP students enrolling for instruction are registered as full-time and assessed tuition at the prevailing annual rate. 

Annual fees are billed in the first term of each academic year.