Director, Center for Proteomics and Molecular Therapeutics; Professor & Discipline Chair, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Director, Midwest Proteome Center
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Discipline
Center for Proteomics and Molecular Therapeutics
Dr. Marc Glucksman received his PhD from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Current Research:
- Structural Neurobiology of Processing Enzymes
- Proteomics
- Structure-Function Correlates in Gene Discovery
Structural Neurobiology of Processing Enzymes - The degradation and/or processing of bioactive peptides is one of the most prevalent and efficient modes of physiologic regulation. Our research program involves discovery of novel neurotransmitters and examination of structure-activity relationships at the atomic level by X-Ray diffraction of the enzymes and neuropeptide substrates of several reactions involved in the normal and disease states of neurobiological, aging and reproductive processes. The results are validated with physiological models for better designed therapeutics. The mammalian metalloenzyme thimet oligopeptidase/EP 24.15, is crucial to the formation and degradation of many bioactive peptides. EP 24.15 can control mammalian reproduction through its regulation of pivotal neuropeptides Kisspeptin and gonadotropin releasing hormone [GnRH]. EP 24.15 also acts upon other neuropeptide substrates involved in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease and schizophrenia.
Proteomics - Involves a broad-based, high throughput screening of tens of thousands of proteins and their isoforms to identify biomarkers for diagnostics, risk factors and targets for treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, and reproductive disorders. Expressed proteins from human tissue and matched controls (including serum and CSF) from biobanks represent well characterized patient populations. We enrich for low abundance proteins by searching components of media for secreted proteins and/or membranes for specific cell surface probes. Proteome (protein complement of the genome) paradigms commence through examining protein expression between disease and normal tissues (or cell lines). With potential "hits" from both gene and protein analyses, we utilize the approaches delineated above to identify and structurally assess proteins as well as by defining "functional" changes present in the development and progression of diseases.
Structure-Function Correlates in Gene Discovery - Structure-Function Assessment and Molecular Modeling in Various Genetic Disorders: In collaboration with the Martignetti Lab at Icahn School of Medicine, our group utilizes computer-aided protein modeling as well as molecular biology/biochemistry and X-ray crystallographic approaches to explain the phenotype of mutations in non muscle myosin platelet disorders [May-Heggelin, Fechtner, and Sebastian; the first use of the complete chromosome 22 sequence from the Human Genome Project]. Another project involves the matrix metalloprotease 2 (MMP-2), and its involvement in a multicentric osteolysis/arthritis. This is the first proven disorder in which a matrix metalloprotease is involved and that proteolysis of extracellular matrix mediates human growth and development. Additionally, other pediatric diseases are targeted. Validation of these novel gene products proceeds with proteomics and CRISPR-derived paradigms.

- Dobson SM, Kiss C, Borschneck D, Heath KE, Gross A, Glucksman MJ, Guerin A. Novel FGF9 variant contributes to multiple synostoses syndrome 3. Am J Med Genet A. 2022;188(7):2162-2167. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.62729 ()
- Brackley AD, Gomez R, Guerrero KA, Akopian AN, Glucksman MJ, Du J, Carlton SM, Jeske NA. A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 79/150 Scaffolds Transient Receptor Potential A 1 Phosphorylation and Sensitization by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Activation. Sci Rep. 2017 May 12;7(1):1842.
- Rodriguez-Zabala M, Aza-Carmona M, Rivera-Pedroza CI, Belinchón A, Guerrero-Zapata I, Barraza-García J, Vallespin E, Lu M, Del Pozo A, Glucksman MJ, Santos-Simarro F, Heath KE. FGF9 mutation causes craniosynostosis along with multiple synostoses. Hum Mutat. 2017 Nov;38(11):1471-1476. doi: 10.1002/humu.23292. Epub 2017 Jul 25.
- Woitowich NC, Philibert KD, Leitermann RJ, Wungjiranirun M, Urban JH, Glucksman MJ. EP24.15 as a Potential Regulator of Kisspeptin Within the Neuroendocrine Hypothalamus. Endocrinology. 2016 Feb;157(2):820-30.
- Philibert KD, Marr RA, Norstrom EM, Glucksman MJ. Identification and characterization of Aβ peptide interactors in Alzheimer's disease by structural approaches. Front Aging Neurosci. Oct 9;6:265 [2014].
- Mott NN, Pinceti E, Rao YS, Przybycien-Szymanska MM, Prins SA, Shults CL, Yang X, Glucksman MJ, Roberts JL, Pak TR. Age-dependent Effects of 17β-estradiol on the dynamics of estrogen receptor β (ERβ) protein-protein interactions in the ventral hippocampus. Mol Cell Proteomics. 13(3):760-79 [2014].
- Shalata A, Ramirez MC, Desnick RJ, Priedigkeit N, Buettner C, Lindtner C, Mahroum M, Abdul-Ghani M, Dong F, Arar N, Camacho-Vanegas O, Zhang R, Camacho SC, Chen Y, Ibdah M, DeFronzo R, Gillespie V, Kelley K, Dynlacht BD, Kim S, Glucksman MJ, Borochowitz ZU, Martignetti JA. Morbid obesity resulting from inactivation of the ciliary protein CEP19 in humans and mice. Am J Hum Genet. 93(6):1061-71 [2013].
- Evans BR, Mosig RA, Lobl M, Martignetti CR, Camacho C, Grum-Tokars V, Glucksman MJ, Martignetti JA. Mutation of membrane type-1 metalloproteinase, MT1-MMP, causes the multicentric osteolysis and arthritis disease Winchester syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 91(3):572-6 [2012].
- Camacho-Vanegas O, Camacho SC, Till J, Miranda-Lorenzo I, Terzo E, Ramirez MC, Schramm V, Cordovano G, Watts G, Mehta S, Kimonis V, Hoch B, Philibert KD, Raabe CA, Bishop DF, Glucksman MJ, Martignetti JA. Primate genome gain and loss: a bone dysplasia, muscular dystrophy, and bone cancer syndrome resulting from mutated retroviral-derived MTAP transcripts. Am J Hum Genet. 90(4):614-27 [2012].
- Patterson KR, Remmers C, Fu Y, Brooker S, Kanaan NM, Vana L, Ward S, Reyes JF, Philibert K, Glucksman MJ, Binder LI. Characterization of prefibrillar Tau oligomers in vitro and in Alzheimer disease. J Biol Chem. 286(26):23063-76 [2011].
- Barroso E, Pérez-Carrizosa V, García-Recuero I, Glucksman MJ, Wilkie AO, García-Minaur S, Heath KE. Mild isolated craniosynostosis due to a novel FGFR3 mutation, p.Ala334Thr. Am J Med Genet A. 155A(12):3050-3 [2011].
- Gomez R, Por ED, Berg KA, Clarke WP, Glucksman MJ, Jeske NA. Metallopeptidase inhibition potentiates bradykinin-induced hyperalgesia. Pain. 152(7):1548-54 [2011].
- Russo LC, Goñi CN, Castro LM, Asega AF, Camargo AC, Trujillo CA, Ulrich H, Glucksman MJ, Scavone C, Ferro ES. Interaction with calmodulin is important for the secretion of thimet oligopeptidase following stimulation. FEBS J. 276(16):4358-71 [2009].
- Boudreau AC, Ferrario CR, Glucksman MJ, Wolf ME. Signaling pathway adaptations and novel protein kinase A substrates related to behavioral sensitization to cocaine. J Neurochem. 110(1):363-77 [2009].
- Tuysuz B, Mosig R, Altun G, Sancak S, Glucksman MJ, Martignetti JA. A novel matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) terminal hemopexin domain mutation in a family with multicentric osteolysis with nodulosis and arthritis with cardiac defects. Eur J Hum Genet. 17(5):565-72 [2009].
- Bruce LA, Sigman JA, Randall D, Rodriguez S, Song MM, Dai Y, Elmore DE, Pabon A, Glucksman MJ, Wolfson AJ. Hydrogen bond residue positioning in the 599-611 loop of thimet oligopeptidase is required for substrate selection. FEBS J. 275(22):5607-17 [2008].
- Huang JY, Bruno AM, Patel CA, Huynh AM, Philibert KD, Glucksman MJ, Marr RA. Human membrane metallo-endopeptidase-like protein degrades both beta-amyloid 42 and beta-amyloid 40. Neuroscience. 155(1):258-62 [2008].
- Lindvall LE, Kormeili T, Chen E, Ramirez MC, Grum-Tokars V, Glucksman MJ, Martignetti JA, Zaragoza MV, Dyson SW. Infantile systemic hyalinosis: Case report and review of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol. 58(2):303-7 [2008].
- Roberts JL, Mani SK, Woller MJ, Glucksman MJ, Wu TJ. LHRH-(1-5): a bioactive peptide regulating reproduction. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 18(10):386-92 [2007].
- Scholle MD, Kriplani U, Pabon A, Sishtla K, Glucksman MJ, Kay BK Mapping protease substrates using a biotinylated phage substrate library. Chem.Bio.Chem.7(5):834-8. [2006]
- Wu TJ, Glucksman MJ, Roberts JL, Mani SK. Facilitation of Lordosis in Rats by a Metabolite of Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH). Endocrinology 147:2544-2549 [2006]
- Jeske NA, Berg KA, Cousins JC, Ferro ES, Clarke WP, Glucksman MJ, Roberts JL. Modulation of bradykinin signaling by EP24.15 and EP24.16 in cultured trigeminal ganglia. J Neurochem. 97, 13-21 [2006]
- Garcia AL, Han SK, Janssen WG, Khaing ZZ, Ito T, Glucksman MJ, Benson DL, Salton SR. A prohormone convertase cleavage site within a predicted alpha-helix mediates sorting of the neuronal and endocrine polypeptide VGF into the regulated secretory pathway. J Biol Chem. 280:41595-608 [2005]
- Oliveira V, Garrido PA, Rodrigues CC, Colquhoun A, Castro LM, Almeida PC, Shida CS, Juliano MA, Juliano L, Camargo AC, Hyslop S, Roberts JL, Grum-Tokars V, Glucksman MJ, Ferro ES. Calcium modulates endopeptidase 24.15 membrane association, secondary structure and substrate specificity. FEBS J. 272:2978-92 [2005]
- Sigman JA, Patwa TH, Tablante AV, Joseph CD, Glucksman MJ, Wolfson AJ. Flexibility in substrate recog-nition by thimet oligopeptidase as revealed by denaturation studies. Biochem J. 388, 255-61. [2005]
- Wu TJ, Mani SK, Glucksman MJ, Roberts JL. Stimulatory Effect of Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Metabolite, LHRH(1-5), on LHRH Gene Expression in GT1-7 Cells. Endocrinology 146, 280-6. [2005]
- Swanson TA, Kim SI, Myers M, Pabon A, Philibert KD, Wang M, Glucksman MJ. The role of neuropeptide processing enzymes in endocrine (prostate) cancer: EC (EP24.15) Prot Pept Lett 11, 471-78 [2004]
- Jeske NA, Glucksman MJ, Roberts,JL. Metalloendopeptidase EC3.4.24.15 is constitutively released from the exofacial leaflet of lipid rafts in GT1-7 cells. J Neurochem. 90, 819-28 [2004]
- Kim SI, Voshol H, van Oostrum J, Hastings TG, Cascio M, Glucksman MJ. Neuroproteomics- Expression Profiling of the Brain’s Proteomes in Health and Disease Neurochem Res 29, 1317-31 [2004]
- Cotter EJ, Sweeney NO, Coen PM, Birney YA, Glucksman MJ, Cahill PA, Cummins PM. Regulation of endopeptidases EC3.4.24.15 and EC3.4.24.16 in vascular endothelial cells by cyclic strain: role of Gi protein signaling. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 24, 457-63 [2004]
- Jeske N, Glucksman MJ, Roberts J EP24.15 is Associated with Lipid Rafts J. Neurosci Res. 74, 468-73 [2003]
- Kim SI, Grum-Tokars V, Swanson TA, Cotter EJ, Cahill PA, Roberts JL, Cummins PM Glucksman MJ Novel Roles of Neuropeptide Processing Enzymes: EC3.4.24.15 in the Neurome. J. Neurosci Res. 74, 456-67 [2003]
- Voshol H, Glucksman MJ, van Oostrum J. Proteomics in the discovery of new therapeutic targets for psychiatric disease. Curr Mol Med. 2003 Aug;3(5):447-58.
- Dowling O, Difeo A, Ramirez MC, Tukel T, Narla G, Bonafe L, Kayserili H, Yuksel-Apak M, Paller AS, Norton K, Teebi AS, Grum-Tokars V, Martin GS, Davis GE, Glucksman MJ, Martignetti JA. Mutations in capillary morphogenesis gene-2 result in the allelic disorders juvenile hyaline fibromatosis and infantile systemic hyalinosis. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Oct;73(4):957-66.
- Sigman JA, Sharky ML, Walsh ST, Pabon A, Glucksman MJ, Wolfson AJ. Involvement of surface cysteines in activity and multimer formation of thimet oligopeptidase. Protein Eng. 2003 Aug;16(8):623-8.
- Kim SI, Pabon A, Swanson TA, Glucksman MJ. Regulation of cell-surface major histocompatibility complex class I expression by the endopeptidase EC3.4.24.15 (thimet oligopeptidase). Biochem J. 2003 Oct 1;375(Pt 1):111-20.
- Sigman JA, Edwards SR, Pabon A, Glucksman MJ, Wolfson AJ. pH dependence studies provide insight into the structure and mechanism of thimet oligopeptidase (EC FEBS Lett. 2003 Jun 19;545(2-3):224-8.
- Narla G, Heath KE , Reeves HL, Li D, Giono LE , Kimmelman AC, Glucksman MJ, Narla J, Eng F, Chan AM, Ferrari A, Martignetti JA, Friedman SL KLF6, a candidate tumor suppressor gene mutated in prostate cancer. SCIENCE 2001 Dec 21; 294: 2563-2566.
- Heath KE, Campos-Barros A, Toren A, Rozenfeld-Granot G, Carlsson LE, Savige J, Denison JC, Gregory MC, White JG, Barker DF, Greinacher A, Epstein CJ, Glucksman MJ, Martignetti JA. Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain iia mutations define a spectrum of autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenias: may-hegglin anomaly and fechtner, sebastian, epstein, and alport-like syndromes. Am J Hum Genet. 2001 Nov;69(5):1033-45.
- Terasawa E, Busser BW, Luchansky LL, Sherwood NM, Jennes L, Millar RP, Glucksman MJ, Roberts JL. Presence of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone fragments in the rhesus monkey forebrain. J Comp Neurol. 2001 Oct 29;439(4):491-504.
- Martignetti JA, Aqeel AA, Sewairi WA, Boumah CE, Kambouris M, Mayouf SA, Sheth KV, Eid WA, Dowling O, Harris J, Glucksman MJ, Bahabri S, Meyer BF, Desnick RJ. Mutation of the matrix metalloproteinase 2 gene (MMP2) causes a multicentric osteolysis and arthritis syndrome. Nat Genet. 2001 Jul;28(3):261-5.
- Tullai J, Cummins PM, Pabon A, Roberts J, Lopingco M, Shrimpton CN, Smith AI, Martignetti J, Ferro ES, Glucksman MJ. The neuropeptide processing enzyme EC is modulated by protein kinase A phosphorylation. J Biol Chem 2000 Nov 24;275(47):36514-22.
- Heath,KE Babcock,M Glucksman,MJ Aliprandis,E Bizzaro,N Desnick,RJ Martignetti,JA & The May Hegglin/ Fechtner Syndrome Consortium group. Mutations in the nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA gene (MYH9) result in the diverse phenotypes of the May-Hegglin anomaly, Fechtner and Sebastian syndromes. Nat Genet. 2000 Sep;26(1):103-5.
- Ferro ES, Tullai J, Glucksman MJ, Roberts J. Secretion of metalloendopeptidase 24.15 (EC DNA Cell Biol 1999 Oct;18(10):781-9.
- Massarelli,EE Casatti,CA Kato,A Camargo,ACM Bauer,JA Glucksman,MJ Roberts,JL Hirose,S & Ferro,ES Differential subcellular distribution of neurolysin (EC and thimet oligopeptidase (EC in the rat brain. Brain Res. 851, 261 [1999]
- Cummins PM, Pabon A, Margulies EH, Glucksman MJ. Zinc coordination and substrate catalysis within the neuropeptide processing enzyme endopeptidase EC Identification of active site histidine and glutamate residues. J Biol Chem 1999 Jun 4;274(23):16003-9.
- Crack PJ, Wu T, Cummins PM, Ferro ES, Tullai J, Glucksman MJ, Roberts J. The association of metalloendopeptidase EC at the extracellular surface of the AtT-20 cell plasma membrane. Brain Res 1999 Jul 24;835(2):113-24.
- Wu T, Pierotti AR, Jakubowski M, Sheward WJ, Glucksman MJ, Smith AI, King JC, Fink G, Roberts J. Endopeptidase EC presence in the rat median eminence and hypophysial portal blood and its modulation of the luteinizing hormone surge. J Neuroendocrinol 1997 Nov;9(11):813-22.
- Shrimpton CN, Glucksman MJ, Lew RA, Tullai J, Margulies EH, Roberts J, Smith AI. Thiol activation of endopeptidase EC A novel mechanism for the regulation of catalytic activity. J Biol Chem 1997 Jul 11;272(28):17395-9.
- Meckelein B, de Silva HA, Roses AD, Rao PN, Pettenati MJ, Xu PT, Hodge R, Glucksman MJ, Abraham CR. Human endopeptidase (THOP1) is localized on chromosome 19 within the linkage region for the late-onset alzheimer disease AD2 locus. Genomics 1996 Jan 15;31(2):246-9.
Medical School:
- MCMS 510 Scientific Foundations of Medicine (Course Director)
- MCMS 525 Cardiovascular-Pulmonary-Renal
Graduate School:
- GBCH 543 Protein Structure and Mechanism
- GBCH 544 Physical Biochemistry
- GIGP 508 Ethics and Regulatory Issues in Biomedical Research