Faculty Presentations

  • Dr. Franklin McShane presenting at the AANA Spinal and Epidural Obstetric Essentials Workshop in Chicago, IL. Dr. McShane is a frequent instructor at this national workshop.
  • AANA Annual Congress, February 2024. Dr. Jennifer Greenwood, CRNA and Dr. Michael Ledvina, CRNA presented their work on the validation of a high-fidelity rubric to accompany OSCE development for determining readiness for transition into clinical training for second year nurse anesthesia residents. The work is also featured in the June 2023 issue of the AANA Journal.[JG1]
  • Dr. Jennifer Greenwood presented her work at the Global Evidence Summit 2024, in Prague, Czechia. Her work explains how the JBI Model for Evidence Based Healthcare provides a solid curricular foundation for the education of DNP students. 
  • AANA Annual Congress, August 2023, Dr. Chambers, DNP, EJD, MSN, CRNA, CPPS, FAANA presented recent research findings completed with program alumni, Drs. Savannah Larson, CRNA and Miroslava Cova, CRNA,  and program faculty Dr. Jennifer Greenwood, and Dr. Lori Anderson, on Deficiencies of Informed Consent Among Anesthesia Providers.  This content has also been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of the AANA Journal.  Dr. Chambers completed law school after her military service and regularly provides content regarding legal aspects of practice to our Nurse Anesthesia residents.  Additional information about Dr. Chambers is available at our faculty webpage and also at her .