Nutrition Education Course Descriptions

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HNUT 504 – Health and Information Literacy for Healthcare Professionals (3 QH)

This course introduces students to the skills and techniques needed to become an information literate individual. Students will have the opportunity to acquire and practice the following: identifying the topic of interest or developing a research question; acquiring knowledge through the efficient use of current technologies, such as online and electronic resources; establishing evaluation criteria for information resources; evaluating and integrating the acquired information to answer the original query/research question, while complying with copyright laws/guidelines; and effectively communicating this information, through an appropriate medium, to the target audience in an ethical and legal manner. In addition, students will explore the impact of health literacy on patient care and health outcomes and will acquire the skills needed to assist them in translating information about diseases and their treatments into a language that healthcare consumers can understand.

HNUT 505 – Communication Strategies, Methods and Techniques (3 QH)

This course targets strategies, methods and techniques to enhance the effectiveness of professional and client-centered communications. Translation of evidence-based science into layman’s terms will be emphasized. Use of social media, media training, and how to promote oneself as a nutrition professional will be included.

HNUT 506 – Health Education Teaching Experience (1 QH)

The purpose of this course is to give the student the opportunity to experience a teaching role. Students will plan, deliver, and evaluate a learning module in a prevention, health and/or wellness area of their choice.

HNUT 511 – Advanced Nutrition and Chronic Disease (4 QH)

This course gives a clinical analysis of the pathophysiological and metabolic basis for nutritional management in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases impacting the population, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer and osteoporosis.

HNUT 513 – Health and Wellness Coaching (3 QH)

This course builds on basic counseling skills to include health coaching techniques. The student will learn how to take a guiding role in empowering clients to choose a healthy lifestyle. Acting as a client-centered health coach and empowering the clients to become the expert in determining their own wellness goals and plans, the student will practice motivational interviewing and other techniques to reach these ends.

HNUT 526 – Evaluating Research and Health Recommendations (4 QH)

This course introduces the fundamentals of the research process through the evaluation of published clinical research studies with the desired end result being the ability to critically analyze and interpret research findings and health recommendations. From an evidence-based perspective, students will select, interpret, analyze, synthesize and then summarize relevant research studies using peer-reviewed articles, write a brief literature review, and develop a hypothesis for future investigation. A process for evidence-based review and analysis of current recommendations for management, treatment, and prevention of disease will be introduced. This course also includes a journal club discussion in which weekly learning objectives are reinforced with practical and applicable examples from current scientific literature.

Prerequisite: HNUX 530 (HIPS 561)

HNUT 541 – Prevention, Health Promotion and Wellness (3 QH)

This course explores health promotion for the individual and the community. This will be accomplished through implementing basic community health concepts of epidemiology, levels of prevention, and risk assessment within the context of health promotion activities. Students will analyze their own personal health promotion needs and selected needs within a chosen community. Based on the standards outlined in Healthy People 2030, students will develop health promotion activities for community health problems of their choice based on an assessment of need. Students will develop, track and analyze an individual health promotion plan for themselves.

HNUT 542 – Complementary Medicine and Dietary Supplements (3 QH)

This course is an overview of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that includes alternative medical systems, holistic, integrative, mind-body interventions and biologically based therapies including a variety of herbs and dietary supplements such as botanicals, vitamins, minerals. The regulatory policies relating to safety of the therapies will be discussed. An evidence-based process will be used to analyze associated benefits and regulatory concerns.

HNUT 554 – Nutrition in Critical Care (3 QH)

This course offers an in-depth review of the theory and application of the forms and components of specialized nutrition support in the treatment of various disease conditions.

Prerequisite: HNUT 526 and HNUX 530 (HIPS 561)

HNUT 576 – Nutrition in Human Physical Performance (3 QH)

This course focuses on the role of nutrition in the physiological and metabolic responses of the body to a wide range of physical activity. Macronutrient, micronutrient and fluid needs associated with physical activity and the nutritional needs of special athletic populations will be addressed. Topics such as the role of physical activity in the prevention of disease and the promotion of health and wellness, the use of supplements in athletes, and exercise prescription for health conditions will also be discussed.

HNUT 582 – Independent Study (1-3 QH)

The independent study is an individualized learning experience designed to meet the specific educational needs of the student.

HNUT 596 – Portfolio Evaluation (2 QH)

The Master of Science in Nutrition degree focuses on five competency areas: nutrition and health promotion knowledge, education, critical thinking and research evaluation, professional communication, and leadership. Achievement of specific learning objectives in these areas of competency will be demonstrated by the student through development of artifacts during the course of her/his degree program. These artifacts will be part of a required portfolio that will be evaluated by the student and a faculty committee. By the end of the course, students will have compiled a final collection of artifacts with analysis and reflections for each. Portfolio Evaluation is the final degree requirement and for all students in the Master of Science in Nutrition program. Students will enroll in this course after all other course requirements are completed. A modified portfolio will be prepared by students who did not prepare artifacts as part of the required course work.

HNUX 500 (HHPE 535) Instructional Design for Health Professions Education (4QH)

Students will apply curriculum design techniques to design a course in an area of their interest. Activities will include writing learning objectives, designing assessment tools, and developing content. Students will also discuss how to adapt courses to include interprofessional students.

HNUX 518 (HHCM 525) Strategic Planning and Leadership (3QH)

This course is intended to introduce the student to leadership skills and strategic planning in healthcare organizations. Creative, collaborative problem solving within the context of current strategic issues in healthcare will be explored. The course content provides an overview of the strategic planning process including the elements required to successfully develop and implement short and long-term plans. The course focuses on leadership skills and qualities necessary to succeed and thrive in the healthcare industry as well as assist the students in applying theories of leadership, motivation, communication and conflict management. Students will learn the construction of a strategic plan and analyze the state of strategic planning in the healthcare industry. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to analyze their own leadership skills and create an action plan for leadership development by assessing their personal leadership strengths and weaknesses. Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval. 

HNUX 530 (HIPS 561) - Statistics for Health Professionals (4 QH)

This course covers fundamental concepts and methods of statistics for data analysis, presentation, reporting, and interpretation. Students will develop practical knowledge and skills for application of basic statistical analyses. 

HNUX 526 (HHPE 510) Learning Theories (3 QH)

Students will examine domains of learning and adult learning theories and how they apply to health professions students. Topics include best practices for motivation, adapting to various learning styles, teaching models/strategies, instructional paradigms and interprofessional learning environments. The concept of lifelong learning is introduced and students will explore the role that higher education and corporate education/training play in instilling a desire for lifelong learning. In addition, students will develop statements of teaching philosophy and philosophy on interprofessional education.

HNUX 527 (HHPE 512) - Instructional Presentation Skills (3 QH)

Students will acquire classroom presentation skills as they explore effective teaching and learning strategies. Topics include effective speaking, use of technology in the classroom, creation of PowerPoint presentations, effective communication through posters, creating dynamic learning environments, and adapting presentations to interprofessional groups of students.

Prerequisite: HNUX 526 (HHPE 510)

Courses, course descriptions, and quarter offered are subject to change without prior notice.

Nutrition Education Program Course Plan

Core Courses (40QH)

  • HNUT 504 Health and Information Literacy for Healthcare Professionals (3QH)HNUT 505 Communication Strategies, Methods and Techniques (3QH)
  • HNUT 506 Health Education Teaching Experience (1QH)
  • HNUT 511 Advanced Nutrition and Chronic Diseases (4QH)
  • HNUT 513 Health and Wellness Coaching (3QH)
  • HNUT 526 Evaluating Research and Health Recommendations (4QH)
  • HNUT 541 Prevention, Health Promotion and Wellness (3QH)
  • HNUT 596 Portfolio Evaluation (2QH) HNUX 500 Instructional Design for Health ProfessionsEducation (4QH)
  • HNUX 500 Instructional Design for Health Professions Education (4)
  • HNUX 518 Strategic Planning and Leadership (3QH)
  • HNUX 526 Learning Theories (3QH)
  • HNUX 527 Instructional Presentation Skills (3QH)
  • HNUX 530 Statistics for Health Professions (4QH)

Electives (6QH) 

Assessment for Student Learning
Grading System
A 4.00 High Achievement
B 3.00 Above Average Achievement
C 2.00 Average Achievement
F 0.00 Failure

Grades without Associated Grade Points:
P Pass
F Fail

Assessment Methods
Online student learning is assessed using both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments include discussion activities, written assignments, written reflections, and quizzes. Summative assessments include written papers, projects, presentations, exams, a final written portfolio, and final portfolio presentation to a faculty audience.

Graduation Requirements
Students must meet the following program requirements:

  • Satisfactory completion of 45 quarter hours of core program courses and elective requirements
  • Meet core program competencies as demonstrated by successful completion of portfolio projects in core program courses and in the final Portfolio Evaluation course
  • Successful completion of all course requirements within five years from the date of matriculation
  • A cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the program